Garment construction is a technical accomplishment that requires the knowledge and skills of basic sewing techniques— application of stitches, seams, darts, gathers, pleats and edge finishing, etc. Its appropriate application in garment construction is necessary for a good quality product. A garment that is made, will be attractive if it fits well, and proper attention is paid to its finer details.

A costume or garment is constructed by cutting the fabrics according to a pattern which fits the human form; then the different parts are joined together by sewing.


A garment is a piece of clothing which is manufactured by fabrics or textile materials for protecting human body and for decorative purposes.This materials can be natural, cellulose and synthetic fibers. There are many types of garments like woven or knitted with different names and uses.Garments can both metaphorically and literally bear the imprint of its wearers as objects that has worn, carried or used to adorn, their persons.


 Drafting is defined as a method of drawing patterns on paper with mechanical precision using body measurements. A basic pattern or a 'block' or a 'master' or a 'foundation pattern' can be generated through drafting. A 'sloper ' or 'block' a custom fitted basic patterns from which patterns for many different styles can be created. It consists of five basic pattern pieces or set - bodice front, bodice back, skirt front, skirt back and the sleeve. This basic block does not contain seam allowances, hem allowances. Design features are frequently added to a copy of this block to create variety in a design. 


Pattern making is a blueprint for the garment, on the basis of which the fabric is cut. It is the technical drawing or drafting of a garment. Standard size charts, dress forms of figures are measurements are then converted in 2D patterns and than garments are made from them.


The terms grain line  are often used interchangeably. When fashion designers and pattern makers talk about grain lines they are referring to the way that a pattern is cut out when it is laid out on a piece of fabric.

Grain lines of fabric refers to the direction of the yarns in a woven fabric.

All fabrics will have a direction to it's yarns (woven threads).The threads will run lengthwise as well as crosswise in a woven fabric in a parallel fashion, interlocking with each other forming the fabric. Lengthwise yarns are called wrap  - they form the skeleton of fabric; crosswise yarns which lie perpendicular to the selvedges of the fabric are called weft, or filling, or woof.

In terms of sewing, a reference to the grain line of the fabric indicates how the fabric should be cut so that the lengthwise yarns will be parallel to the length of body for better fit and drape; the lengthwise grain are cut so that they run vertically on the garment/body, and the crosswise grain runs horizontally across the body.


A block is a master pattern, usually made a thin cardboard, which you use to make the pattern on thin paper, which is then cut out and pinned to fabric. A pattern is a finished design ready for cutting out sewing.


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